Organizing personal finances is the first step toward realizing dreams and projects. Check out this article for some simple initiatives to keep your financial balance and get out of debts. The knowledge of personal finance begins with careful budgeting and financial self-awareness. The results are investment habits and personal enrichment. To achieve financial stability and […]
Management and Definitions
Find out what are the best HR performance indicators and get data intelligence and more relevance at work!
HR is a vital part of any business. Without it, employees wouldn’t have a proper place to air grievances, sort any issues they have and sort out their employee benefits. This would lead to a high turnover rate as well as unproductive staff. Thankfully for managers, there are options in terms of achieving HR success. […]
Dashboard and Balanced Scorecard: know the differences
There are many tools that companies use to manipulate and understand data. Because of all the options, it is natural that there is a difficulty in understanding and a certain confusion between some of the terms. For example, do you know the difference between dashboard and balanced scorecard? Know the differences in this article! What’s […]