The HSE Incident Trend Analysis Template is a complete solution that includes an extensive database to organize all data for each incident. Multiple dashboards include an Accidents Dashboard, Costs Dashboard, and Body Injury Dashboard. A fully sortable monthly report lets you quickly communicate to coworkers and simplifies end-of-year reporting.
Adnia Solutions are designed to be beautiful and functional. The HSE Incident Trend Analysis template is a great option for large and small businesses in any industry.
Take a tour:
Simple and Professional
- Horizontal menu for easy navigation between pages
- Fully unlocked template
- Multilingual template: Select one of the available languages (English, French, or Portuguese) or manually translate to the language of your choice
Other Information
- Built for Excel 2010 or later
- Licensed for Private Use Only (not for distribution or resale)
The template may NOT be sold, distributed, published to an online gallery, hosted on a website, or placed on any server in a way that makes it available to the general public.
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